How to remove Black Magic


Full readings are made to ascertain what dark energy is around you and how it is affecting you. We use crystals which are worked out from your date, time and place of your birth to give you an accurate picture as to how your life is progressing and where the blockages or problems are or will occur. Bharat and Sheela will also advise you how to overcome any blockages or problems in the horoscopes including how to protect yourself and how to remove black magic around you. There are special yantras and talismans made to protect and remove black magic in your lives. We also prepare dolls to remove black magic and dark energy around you. Contact Bharat for more information regarding dolls which are prepared on special requests only.

The prices start from £35.00 for a basic reading to a more detailed reading which will cost £75.00. The reading will include your career, marriage and any relationships, money, children and prosperity. Bharat and Sheela will also work out which mantras are right for you to listen to from the prepared readings. The mantra CD is sent free with the full basic and detailed readings There are different mantras for different problems. You will find lot of positive changes after listening to the mantra CD daily.

Past Karma Solutions

This type of reading will give all weakness in your birth charts and the solutions to rectify any problems, which will help you, sail through life with great ease and without worries. Bharat and Sheela also removes blockages in your life using light energy. Readings are £35.00 each.

Call 0208 087 1461 for more information or Black Magic and Dark Energy readings
We have posted several articles on Astrology, Dark Energy, Black Magic, how to remove Dark Energy, Protection against black magic and removing evil spirits on internet.

We also have numerous testimonials from our clients who have have succeeded and these can be accessed using google plus link.